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i can't find all the data recordings

me too


Como se aguarda la partida? O no se puede?

Por ahora no tiene implementado el guardado. Más adelante lo pondrá

This game reminds me of alien isolation

Juegue un buen rato, cerré en juego y cuándo volví a entrar, nada se avía aguardado 

so every time I hit play my game glitches to were it bugs to the top continuously and I don't know what to do

How do i enter the gallery mode?


could you add in the description which kinks are in the game? pls

I wish there was a mode where we look more assured with our pistol like we have the bored face on the entire time, and we hold the gun with one hand.

do you plan on releasing it to play on browser?


Do you plan to release a android port? Game looks fun


kinda hope so- for anyone with roommates for sure lol

depends who you ask😜 sometimes it's more fun when someone watches lol, but I just enjoy taking my h games with me is all. 

was this made to me or the dev of the game?- itch is confusing me rn...

I think the files are corrupted for me -_-


After the pck file is extracted, what should I open it with?

there was an exe next to the original pck file, at least on windows

pretty sure you don't need to extract anything from it

Idk what the devil i am doing wrong but for some reason i cannot escape grabs when in game. i try hitting every button on my keyboard. Am i supposed to use my mouse? Because the cursor disappears during sex scenes

Use WASD to move around your small icon and get it towards the grey outlined icon, left click to slap away any appendages during this(aims towards your mouse)

Oh I don't mean the grapple fight, I mean the lewds where there is a white dot.

Hey bro, for this you need to play not in full-screen mode, because you need to point the cursor and click on this white circle.

how do you install on linux? please help.

(2 edits)

Use app (easiest method)


  1. Unpack tar file (use archive manager of your distro or the one you installed manually if there is one)
  2. Then make .x86_64 file executable (right-click menu > file properties > search for “executable” checkmark)
  3. And double click .x86_64 file to launch the game


Use this commands in the same directory you downloaded archive to by opening terminal from correct folder in your file manager or doing cd command with required path (this does the same as previous method, but in terminal, may be needed if you use distribution without required features in preinstalled gui software, also, change every version in command to match file you downloaded)

tar -xf DiBS_0.4.4_lin.tar.gz
cd DiBS_0.4.4_lin
chmod +x DiBS_0.4.4.x86_64

Last command will launch the game, after that you can also double click in file manager to launch

thank you

Heh. Dibs. Nice name.


Can you consider an Android version?? pls🙏

please anyone tbh i saw this and i didnt care about the 18+ it look like a free metriod game. but thats not the point im trying to 100% the game but i cant find the chips. ive searched everywhere and i cant find it. (side note: can you like save the game or sth because idk how to)


I thought it was endo parasitic for 5 minutes then realized it was a furry monster sex game 


cynte! what did you do!? why are there furries on the station?!


a scene viewer for all the plants would be kinda cool


pretty good but i can't shoot did i miss some ammo or has it not been added yet

Probably missed some

where is the ammo if i missed it

its the blue cylinders on the ground, you find them around the game, press r to load the gun



the animation of that hug is just so smooth it looks like some wizardy

this is a very fun game!
i hope you keep development going :)

(1 edit) (+5)


Any plans on android?


this is a horror game sometimes

This game is nice. I always liked side scrolling shooters, and the visuals look nice. A solid 9/10 also the smooth jazz is nice :)

Looks like a great game, sadly i cant play it cuz of my sexual orientation


Didn't know that your sexual orientation debuffed you that bad,  too bad not having factory settings



is there a way to save the game?


I've got a question, does this game have knoting? I'm looking for a game that includes it but it's quite hard to find


I know of a game that includes it, but if ur looking for M-F  stuff its off the table


Thank you Omori from Omori, but I too know a lot of games like that that aren't M-F stuff, it surprises me how few good M-F stuff with it are there


You're welcome Phemsee_gaming from, Good luck on your quest of finding M-F knotting on

They may not want it but mind telling me XD knotting is knotting.

Not sure if you already know the game, But its called "Sileo: Tales of a New Dawn" By Xevvy. It's a good game for lore, And the sex scenes are well described. There IS also extra content that may get updated from time to time, but there is no knotting in the extra content yet.


When I download the game it says DiBS_0.4.4_win and I can only open it with something like the notes app.

you need software to unzip the win file, search up win file opener or rar file opener. they say 30 day free trial with your free download but nothing really happens if you dont, at least with the ones ive used. id recommend winzip or 7zip.

anyone got a fix for the mac version saying the file is damaged?

The web download's permissions are broken on Mac OS. Download the app and install DiBS with proper permissions using the app's install button.

Great game, i especially like the SFW-ish mode :)

this a pretty well made game  

by the asmospheric and soundtracks at some part the game its give me lowkey horror vibe

the escape mechanics is so good  its make make other mechanics missing something but its still fine, progession would be good (for me i think)

what is the startminiquest command do?? i tried to enter it, get help command of it but still confused or maybe i already completed it

waiting for more update and things  :))


So, there are now in total 5 tapes?

p.s. enemies dropping from above and those which you can't see down the stairs scare the shit out of me, awesome experience 

will there be a future option to download it as a .zip as how it used to be or will it stay as a 7z for some reason?

Does Anyone know how to open it?

Never used a rar file before? use 7zip


I found the game interesting, I hope they add a map in the future

Does anyone here know where all the cinema tapes are???

(1 edit) (+2)

I found a couple in a dev room you can get into by jumping over the floor that drops you to the lower levels at the start of a new game but if you on PC you can get all of them by pressing ~ and typing help for a list of comands but I do not think the tapes are working just yet not sure have not updated the game yet


Downloaded the MAC version but the game won't open. I get a popup saying:

“DiBS” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin.

Whenever I try to launch the game.

The web download's permissions are incorrect on Mac OS. Download the app and install DiBS with correct permissions using the app's install button.

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