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(1 edit) (+2)

Tried it out, really fun. Everyone seems to be adding their own two cents so I'll add mine. Since it's relatively easy to get away while you're dressed maybe make every grapple degrade your clothes a little? also is it possible to open all the doors in the game right now?


Just a quick request, when a new version comes out, please give us info on what was updated, even if it's a boring ass bug, it's always good to know what you've been working on!

and i know that this isn't really plausible but it's nice to dream, will there ever be a male version of the protagonist somewhere in the future? that'd be really cool.


just noticed that you did a changelog in your patreon, my bad lmao


The game certainly has a lot of potential, and a few interesting mechanics as well, one in particular that I'll leave a secret to the ones that didn't yet find it Tip: Don't give up.
As soon as I'll get some funds I'll try to support this one. 
Keep it up and good luck with the development ^^


Hello there, really nice game you got, flawless animations (or, at least i didnt see any flaws in the animations), simple mechanics, cute character, all good, and it has great potential. So, yeah, i don't really have anything new to say that wasnt said already by others. 

Althought, one thing, IF and when you are going to add more difficulty options (or even faster, althought some people might not like it) is to add a cooldown to the defence action in the minigame, when you are grappled, and when you win the minigame, only the creature you defeated in the minigame stops, the rest keep pursuing you. 

Great game, keep up the good work! 


Love the game and so far it runs great, but on the mac I don't think it is possible to right click and left click to shoot without a mouse.


Can confirm that this is not possible with a Mac. This is unfortunately a hardware problem with the Mac. I suggest just using an external mouse.


Turns out you can press shift to begin aiming as well


Really? That’s good to know. Thanks for the info.


I noticed that under some circumstances (normally happens if you've swiped at the heart a few times, making the tentacle move way faster), the grapple minigame can remove multiple pieces of clothing at once. Is this intended?

No, they're always going to remove one article of clothing at a time. Will investigate this if this shows up.

(1 edit) (+1)

Feedback for version 0.0.25 (Mac)

First off the good:

This is a really good for just being pre-alfa.

The art is very well done and clearly readable.

The sound effects, from the noises of the enemies to the sounds of the gun, are spot on.

The music is just perfect for creating that "mysterious unknown" atmosphere.

Not being able to move while reloading or shooting leads to some tense moments.

The level design feels like a dark maze which contributes to the sense of being lost.

I also love the ability to switch to azerty controls. (Not a lot of people do this and it is appreciated by people with azerty keyboards who don't like playing keyboard-twister.)

The small problems:

the character art while standing still looks a bit strange. While shooting the stance makes more sense as way to gain more stability, but as an idle pose it seems a bit weird.

Jumping from small platforms feels somewhat finicky without a proper run-up. Doable but finicky.

The grapple mini-game could use a small delay so the player can orient themselves, and perhaps some instructions to tell the player that they can click to attack.

The not so small problem:

Whenever I reach what I assume is the lose state (4th time touching an enemy), the game crashes. This is on a MacBook pro. I would test it with the windows version, but it doesn't seem to work with emulators. (Error message can be sent if required.)

Overall a really good version with a lot of promise that just needs a bit of polish.

Thanks for the feedback! 

Yup, mac version is currently untested and, from what others have said, crashes. 

(I probably won't upload future mac versions until it gets properly tested.)

In the meantime, here's another version that another mac user finished without crashing. Can't confirm for myself, though.

If I may ask, what creature grappled when it crashed? 


Thank you for your reply.

The crash happens with both the standard walking creatures (the non-armoured ones) and the ones that hang from the ceiling. The small stationary ones don't seem to cause an issue because they don't actively chase you during the mini-game.

(I believe that these three are the only ones that can grapple. let me know if I missed any and I will test them.)

I have found that when the white button at the bottom of the screen is pressed fast enough (about 1/2 second) the animation plays normally without problems.

Other version seems to run smoothly without issues. I did not expect there to be more to the game.


I just discovered that the big armoured creatures can grapple if you schoot them in the "head" first. They don't seem to cause issues.

Lovely. Seems like this version is issue free. I'll replace the mac version with this version. Thanks for the feedback again!


Happy to help


OKAY THAT JUmp scare was Real good.....f*king di**, tried to play this truthfully as possible, it's hard.


I have to say, love this so far. Can't wait to see what else you do with it!


Well, currently focusing on adding more creatures, so tune in on October 3 for the next update

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey there buddy, I do declare, nice project you got going there. I've noticed you're making it in Godot, and I was wondering if maybe you could use some help to carry out some of the grunt work, I have more than enough free time on my hands as of now.

What do I get out of it? Tbh I just wanna help give Godot some recognition, it's a great engine, free and open-source. Good alternative for "$2 per footstep" engine and "Lol what is 2D even" engine. I also kinda want to get some experience working with others and pretty much have a good time. 

Do let me know if you're interested, I'd love to try and help out :3c


unfortunately at the moment, I mostly work on my own. :(

Still though, I appreciate and thank you for the offer! If I ever need help, you can find me screaming about it on Twitter.


Gotcha, I'll keep you in mind! Great work so far, loving the concept!


Do you have a discord for your game? I'd love to chat about it more directly at some point, and I'm looking forward to supporting it's development once I have the spare cash to provide.

I like you not being able to reload w/o stopping, it feels intrinsic to the gameplay's balance and core gameplay loop.

Does the game tell me when I'm at the final room? I keep getting stuck in a room that I fall to the bottom of, and it has one of each of the three types of enemies in it, and a pad that changes colour when I stand on it. I can't seem to progress and I'm assuming it's the final room, just checking.

Keep up the good work.

It actually is the final room. The 'color' pad is actually a rising platform. If you press down, then it will climb you up. 

Will add a small prompt later in development to help clarify this. :D

Oh, and there's no discord at the moment. There will be a discord later in development, but as of now I'm still purely focusing on making content for the game first. ¯\_(:I)_/¯ 


Nice game and cute characters.


i like how losing gives ya gallery mode


tbh i dont know how to use that mode lo


you use space to spawn them


anyone else having issues downloading this

Are you still having issues?

(1 edit) (+1)

 i fixed it, think it must have been an issue on my end with using chrome

Lovely. Tell me if there are anymore issues!


just a request for you to put the Furry tag into your list of tags




I think its really good so far, cant wait to see what becomes of it.


Love the prealpha!


Just a couple side notes:

Be sure to prompt the character if gun's ammo is full before reloading.

I only found one bug. You can get stuck inside a lever/switch door if you have been taken away. Only if you haven't flipped the lever/switch in that room. Check spawn points inside doors. Here is the bugged area. 


Keep going! Awesome job so far!

(1 edit) (+1)

Fixed it by adding a switch! Will add this to the next update


OKAY, Some big problems.
Need to be able to reload and aim/shoot WHILE MOVING. (Else it's just a death trap.)
Production is good. Artwork is Fine.
But if this is gonna be this kinda survival, you need to be able to aim, shoot, and reload while moving.
Got to like 3-4 of those buggers swarming me after the armored one. Not cool.
The mini game (grapple) would be better as well if you gave the player like 1-2 seconds to situate themselves.

GREAT POTENTIAL, but needs some fine tuning.

Thanks for the critique! Agreed on the points, although those features would be for later in development. There have also been complaints about the gun being too weak, which is probably why you got swarmed in the first place.

As for development, currently buffing the gun and adding more creatures.


i think the gun is fine, maybe a difficulty setting for later would benefit the varius peoples difficulty-opinion

(2 edits) (+3)

I personally like fact that you can’t reload while running and that it takes so long to reload (after all you can stop any second) because it makes game fair bit more difficult and forces you to prepare for bigger encounters not just YOLO speedrun’n’shoot.

Agreed on grapple delay tho because as of now you may accidentally push yourself straight into death in minigame if you accidentally run into enemy, since controls are immediately switched to minigame. So if you were just running left and enemy falls from ceiling triggering minigame you immediately start moving left in minigame and sometimes it results in almost insta-death


Not gonna lie, the game would be super easy if you could reload and move. Having to stop to reload makes it more tense, and you can always run back from where you came, as nothing spawns behind you. You just have poor planning skills... I would hope there will be an option to turn this on or off, if the Dev actually implements it. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Yup! Not being able to reload while moving is now set and stone, since it's part of the balance.

Plus, implementing the reload + moving takes time away from adding more content, so I'll just keep the reload mechanics as is. :)

For the reloading part... Yes, it is kind of annoying, but with it removed it would be too easy, and its the same fir the minigame, instead i'd say to put a cooldown on the defence and make only the creature you escaped stop when you win the minigame, not all of them. I fell like its too easy, like i need something mire challenging... Maybe add different difficulties would solve this problem. This way, both those who just want the content and those who want more of a challenge will be satisfied. 

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