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Clair de Lune by Debussy and something from Erik Satie Gnossenies or Gymnopiedies

what is the music 


Is no one gonna talk about how the Mac download can't be access


Where is the last tape????????? i just cant find it.

you mean the 8th one?
after the train section there should be a large terminal
interact with it to fight the WiP boss and beat him


Very in development, but gotta say, promising. Hope it grows into something. <3

very in development indeed

Is this game getting an update soon?

(1 edit) (+2)

seems like this version is last free version and if you want newer you need to sub dev patreon


There's going to be a public free release sometime in July according to the pateron.


Hello, could there be a possibility of there being a male character? it would be great


ikr barely any games like this one have m/m content 😭


so true

why can’t you make every game on the web?


Please complete the game i really enjoyed it.

(1 edit) (+10)(-7)

dude just check their patreon they are working on it, relax mf


Dude ImBlue, just chill. All OP said was an encouragement. No need to get aggressive and throw out mf's. 


My potato pc cant run a 2d game but can run minecraft :/

MacBook version can't work

(1 edit)

This is because the Apple Gatekeeper software doesn’t recognize the app as being signed or notarized by a trusted developer. There is a way to bypass this using the terminal, using the command 

xattr -d 

Before hitting enter, you need to drag and drop the app from the desktop into the terminal at the end of the command. 

This just overrides the GateKeeper software, and marks the game as “Safe”.

For instance, the complete command should look something like this after dragging and dropping the file into the terminal;

xattr -d /Users/name/Desktop/


too easy (after dying 40 times)

bro i tried beating the game and fr in not eazy


Podrían portarlo para android AGUANTR ARGENTINA 🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻


will it be on Android?

(1 edit) (+2)






the mac file says it's damaged and can't be opened


can i ask for a quick fix with gamepad ?
every time i walk next to an item, it auto-picks it up, and every time i walk into a door, it opens on its own.

I believe this is due to how the gamepad controls are mapped, in a similar way to the keyboard, doors open with S, and it does the same on gamepad, and since most people when making their game with gamepad support put the D-Pad and the Left Analog stick to perform the same actions without setting up some deadzone for the analog.

Is there a way for me to manualy change the control map and change the mapping on the gamepad ?


The web download ZIP on Mac has broken permissions, and will not function. To make the Mac version work, you NEED to install the app and perform the installation from there. THEN IT WILL WORK!


The game graphics are excellent; each sprite is crafted to perfection. The animations are very smooth, and the backgrounds are highly detailed, with a great color palette that creates a mysterious atmosphere. The game concept is good and original. However, there are a few bugs, such as the character moving in a direction without pressing any buttons. Another bug is that sometimes it doesn't jump when you press the button. These bugs spoil the gameplay and the story, as you cannot move around normally. I hope to see how the development of this magnificent game progresses.


The character moving without pressing buttons is probably the one-handed mode where you can play using just your mouse (Deactivateable in options menu) and the not jumping sometimes is probably due to low stamina preventing jumping (Also deactivateable in settings). Hope this helps.


This game got about all it in as of now, we even got best hug scene yay. only issue I have is the lack of any form of map. I was there in its earliest release and I wont stop supporting it until it is finished and I get to see more big hugs.


hello, will this game be available for android?


Can this run on a 32 bit os?

i cant find the scarf


Does this have a virus?



is this game still being developed?

(1 edit) (+3)

The game is actively being developed, you can see news and updates on Patreon. The developer doesn't pay much attention to and only updates the game on this platform every now and then. The developer seems to heavily prioritise delivering content to Patreon supporters, which, while unfortunate for users, is understandable.



I'm loving this game but I'm SUPER annoyed about the mouse movement bounds its so small and you don't get an option to disable it despite using WASD I keep moving when I do not want and I run head first into things when I want to stand still. I am literally fighting my mouse and the station.

amma be honest and say that the dev themselves said the controll was sketch and what not, still amazing they did that mouse controll. but there isnt much the dev can do to make it better, you just cant get as good and accurate controlls while only using your mouse. it is just a trade off in exchange of the "lazyness" level (not calling you lazy, I just dont know any better word for it.)

You can deactivate it by pressing Esc during gameplay, clicking Options, and turning off one-handed mode

Thank you! I found the option now I need to figure out why my character tries to auto interact with everything. I have to avoid chairs with extreme prejudice and I can not find out what button/setting adjusts such behavior.

its in the settings as one handed mode turn it off

how do i download on chromebook? i am struggling alot with linux

please help


Just download Wine

(1 edit)

what the hell is wine and also i have installed it i didn't have itch installed which made process  much harder now i just have to find out why it won't play but thanks i'm sure that probably would'v helped me .note found out how to get it playing


Fucking masterpiece


cool name, sums up life perfectly


i am very understanding... but i cant help but ask, whens the next update or did this get abandoned/forgotten?

Deleted 224 days ago

Do you think they abandoned this page?

No on the patreon you can see the programing progress


Please do this game for android im very love this


This has peaked my intrest just needs to fix the download for mac 

(1 edit)

Yeah, saw a few videos featuring the game, thought Moxie was just too adorable, and dropped a few bucks toward the game and downloaded it... only for the Mac version to not work at all... I have faith it'll be fixed eventually, but it was just such a bummer to not be able to play myself...

UPDATE: I've figured out that the app file contained in the web download ZIP file has it's permissions borked... In order to get a Mac version that works, you MUST download the app, and perform an installation of DiBS through the app... The app installs the file with the correct permissions, and it WILL WORK!

Man this game can be portable to mobile actually, if you guys do port it, i may finally get to play this treasure

Deleted 45 days ago

I agree


Will there be any plan to bring it to mobile? 

Someone knows what the Mox meetup background music's name ?


Honestly... w game, it just needs like sex sounds and stuff and a bit more ambient music...despite that...Banger game


has there been any work on this since 0.5.6?


Needs a pregnancy mechanic honestly

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