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(1 edit) (+5)

sex noises an etc. need more variety 

At the MoxMeetup there is this black box that covers a lot of the view. Is it a bug?


activate your windows gyatt damn


i think you actually need to find the wolf, since the blackscreen is in the foreground

what wolf?

just find the place with a drop into void and go explore from there

I've played through this game multiple times, and have seen a train in the promotions and whatnot, but whenever I play, I can't ever seem to find it. Is there something I have to do in order to activate it?

try exploring the area where woof is found ;)


great game, free massages from a friendly tentacle creature 👍

Is this a virus just want to make sure before i download this

No, It's a pretty fun game, I finished it a few days ago.


loved it, waiting a little so i can "buy" the game, however, i noticed that in some areas the game runs smooth as butter, while in other areas, like tunnels covered in slime and that aquarium in west wing, game runs in powerpoint presentation, i dont know why, you should take a look at that 

How to get all the movies and are there any secrets?


Find the lil files scattered around the map.

Tip: there's one at the end of the train, in the train station.

you should add a way to disable the character following the mouse. i have a perfectly fine keyboard, so it's useless. and it's annoying and keeps moving the character in unexpected ways.

(1 edit)

In the options you can disable it, it's probably the one-handed mode

no, it's not the options menu. i checked that one before playing and so i thought that there's nothing else.

i found it with your help. but it's in the "modes and extras" menu which can only be found after starting the game.

untick onehanded mode

Are the older versions still available? 

They may are, but I haven't found a way to


Made an account just to say that any time I downloaded and tried to launch the game it was infected with a virus. My pc runs fine and other games from itch don't do what your game does. Gave this game a  benefit of the doubt but I went to break and corrupt my system :( Had to reinstall the system because of you...


what did u download it on 


On pc windows 10 using the link here in itch io


It was on local disk G in a folder if you're asking about tha


How do you know that it was a virus? What are you seeing that isn't normal?

By 'every time I tried to launch the game it was infected by a virus', do you mean that when you tried to launch the game, you got a popup from your Antivirus? 

I had a popup from Windows Defender, it happens when a program doesn't have a verified author. As long as you trust the application you can go ahead and run the program.

What do you mean by 'I went to break and corrupt my system'? What did it break? Please elaborate.

Just plays dibs. it was a great that i wanted to try for a long while and now with my new pc i was finally able to do it! I didn’t played it fully and I’m not gonna follow the dev buuut I’m still going to give it a 5 stars⭐

Good luck

Will there be an Android Version considered in the near future?

when is the next update coming?

Download tutorial?


as uncle Aaron once said ''Hey''

Really good metroidvania game. Love the Concept and doesn't even need the NSFW part to be great


Found a bug, if you have sex with houndalwhatever his name is on your third knockdown for the first time. The cinema scene drops but you cant collect it at all when coming back from spawn.

Just wanted to say, the character controls feel very good, the difficulty is on spot and I love the artstile. Very good job :D!

I love this game


i wish plants were real

how do I get all scenes?, how many are there available at the moment?

7 watchable ones, use F1 then "commands", you will find a command that will unlock all watchable tapes.


I've been lurking this game for a long time, and I've been playing since version 0.3.8, and I realised I hadn't left a comment, so I'm here to say that this is one of, if not the best, furry 2D games I have ever played. From the outstanding animations to the gun play, everything is on point, and I hope to see this game thrive and succeed even more with every update. I don't mind waiting, as I know every update will be worth it. Take as much time as you need, Moxie Loaf, because you have a masterpiece on your hands.


It trully is! I have been following this game for a year or more now, and it's, as you said, a masterpiece.
Marvelous job MoxieLoaf! I'll end up buying this soon surely!


she is a cute girl


any idea how to download on Mac

The web download ZIP on Mac has broken permissions, and will not function. To make the Mac version work, you NEED to install the app and perform the installation from there. Then it WILL work!

Can anyone tell me where to get the 4th tape? I've searched everywhere but I only have 6 out of 7

(3 edits) (-2)

game is great so far but there is a bug for me, i am in exploration mode but i keep getting the boredom ending after having sex with any of the aliens, the bar at the bottom will go down and fail the game so i just cant play in that mode and sex the aliens

also if you shoot the big wolf guy so he lunges at you and does the sex if you are on the elevator and raise him up he will walk on the upper platform and get stuck. leaving and coming back seems to fix it though

i love the hug scene with the big ol wolf and it makes me sad that you have to shoot him multiple times to do the sex

(1 edit)

try pressing b or one of the keys on that row. I was messing with something on that row and found I triggered it. edit: turns out a few buttons on that row activate various "cheat" modes.

i'm pretty sure you just gotta interact with him while naked to activate it.


Impressive!! From suggestions (and your own wishes :3) I would like to see a visual change of Mox after each... encounter without clothes. I wish you good luck in further development, the only downside is I want to see the correction of some sprites

Ideas for the visual changes after each encounter without clothes:
1 Circle; Blushing, breathing is faster
2 Circles; Blushing more, Breathing is much faster, more exhausted looking animations for walking and idling
2.5/3 Circles; Blushing even more, Breathing is way faster, Mox looks like she is just barely holding herself up.
Negitive effects for each phase:
1 Circle; Bullet spread is increased
2 Circles; Walk speed is redused, max stamina is redused
2.5/3 Circles; Walk speed is redused more, Max stamina is halved,
Stamina recharge rate is halved

Any Idea of when it will finish


How can I save my progression 


Will there be a mobile version?

I played the game a few times, ALT F4'd out every time, just for info. I then tried starting the game up again, and it crashes instantly. It gets to the black screen that just says "DiBs" and then totally crashes without warning. I've re-installed, totally deleted, all of it. I have no idea what to do. Any help? I'm also on windows.

(1 edit)

I'm on windows, and pressing r does not reload at all. I can't get any ammo in the gun. No matter where i am on the level. Even if there is an ammo instance in the room

Have you pressed F on the ammo and then R?

u right i forgor to interact :/

As a game and a nsfw game, this is great. I love the personality characters have and the gameflow's pretty solid. Terrible that this is buried under a mountain of cookie cutter visual novel crap.

i agree, its suuuuchhh a shame that the front page for adult is overwhelmingly saturated by visual novels with crappy cg or 3 pngs which hides genuinely good games, now i kinda just have to search by simulation or whatever other tag the *good* games use


can you add avatar customation


add more characters :)


game needs more work character stops while trying to walk and most the mod take full clips or more cant run from any mobs without the character stopping for some reason 


cool game, i really like the art :)


Any chances making it android version?


I agree, this should definitely get an android port.


Really fun game a lot of really cool mechanics. Pretty challenging and can get pretty stressful at times. I will be looking forward to full game release and future updates.

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