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i think it will be great if u can change ur gender in the game

(1 edit) (+1)

Maybe some really, really "unfortunate" breeeding? :D Some Alien vibes here ^^


i second this, also i love that this game doesn't necessarily have a "fail state," just a "oops, you're a toy until you can escape" state <3

Deleted 3 years ago

It's less about talent, and more about skills that have been developed over many years. This is a common misconception I've seen around many types of creators. I can guarantee that if you put in the time and effort to learn the skills you're seeking, you will eventually be able to do so at a level you're happy with. If it's something you really want to do, you have the power to do so! <3

In the meantime, don't worry about comparing yourself. Because anything you can make currently is absolutely wonderful and perfect <3


Literally made an account just to comment here and I wanted to say that for a prototype that this looks amazing! graphics are nice and the controls aren't to hard to get the hang of although I would just like to say that my current... Gripes are that the enemies tend to move a bit faster than expected which makes shooting a hassle, especially when there is a group of enemies (btw, multiple enemies on player character when? lol). Perhaps a hip fire option instead of aiming to shoot? Would definitely help when enemies are right on you, also would be nice to have a bit longer of a respawn cooldown. Other than those the game is wonderful and I can't wait to see it further progress! 


Thank you for the suggestions! I don't think there would be multiple enemies or hipfire,  sadly. Although, there will be a new enemy this coming June, so watch out for that. 


That's a bit of a bummer hip fire won't be a thing I'll admit but I just suppose that just makes things more challenging, also understandable that multiple enemy H scenes probably won't be thing seeing as that's a lot of work. Either way, will definitely keep an eye out for that new enemy when it comes!

I know it probably wouldn't happen but is it at all possible to make an android port for the game? could use a simple ui for movement and aiming at first. 


Sorry, no android port. I'm not even sure if this would run on mobile.


Hey, sorry to bother BUT.... 

I would really appreaciate some animations to be with her still in the suit.

Like because its really hot

so yea would be nice but like doesn't have to 

animations still great so...


thanks ;P

(3 edits) (+1)

That was initially the first build, but I don't think there can be both suit and naked versions. Too taxing on time. 


maybe when your done with making the base game this is a hard mode, your suit offers no protection so they just rip off/through 2 parts of the suit and get right to the action if you fail to kill or escape

you could then also have a medium mode where the suit will protect you once but the underwear offers no protection

hell you could even say rather then difficulty you have the game ask "how strong you want the tentacles?" with Normal, Stronger and Strongest as the options

im also trying to install the windows version but it says an error occurred cannot read property 'build' of undefined

Can you show me a picture of the error?

sorry it took me so long kinda went and did something else after posting this

(3 edits) (+1)

Huh. Is this windows or linux?

EDIT: Wait. This is the itch application?

So didn't think setting that the platform mattered, but it did. :\

Also didn't know there was an itch app, so this was a surprise.


yep its fixed now thanks!

No problem

i really want to play this but it wont let me download :c

What version are you trying to download?

Windows Version

i pressed  h...... 10/10



Added to Horny Folder!

(3 edits) (+1)(-2)

on my pc the team fortress 2, which is a 9 gb game, works perfectly, and this game doesn’t even have 100 MB running with crashes.

My pc is weak and the dollar here in Brazil is high, with 1 dollar to buy an entire house,

so I don’t have the money to buy a new video card, so it’s better to play at 5 fps.

On my pc it only works on windows 7, now on Manjaro only the error opengl, I think my pc's components are out of date because I'm still on 775.

And I'm sorry my English, I'm Brazilian and I'm using the Google translator.

hug and a good development :)

Heads up !!! I don't like furry. I was just testing the game.

Thanks for Heads up !!!

sou br tbm :>

выкати обнову


make a chromebook one


I am playing it on chromebook you need linux

Chromebook is Linux :D

We need android version!:D maybe somewhen :p

I don't think the controls work with android (or if the game can even run on mobile)

Meh, kinda sad thing:c 

Cuz there are not many platformers for android ... uh, generally i know only one:р 



can't wait for even more updates! +1



(1 edit)

are you thinking about make a 32 bits version?

Yeup. Don't know when that'll be, but probably when there is enough content.

how do i insall it if the downloads a zip im new to the zip


No need to install! Just extract it and double click the .exe

How to zip and unzip files in Windows 10 - SimpleHow

(3 edits) (+3)(-1)

Absolutely loving that pre alpha demo. Great mix of horror and nsfw goodness! Hope the horror elements carry through in development, escaping game over room was exhilarating in ways I've never seen from a porn game. Wish I could aim and move at the same time though, really let me get my nerves on edge as I shuffle down a corridor with the flashlight out. Creates more opportunities for sneakier enemies like the kobold too. Games got some serious atmosphere, enough I made an account just to post this.

Gonna be one hell of a good game through and through. Immensly impressed! Never did figure out the grapple game though.

how do i download using linux i am very new to linux and i only know how to use zip files but not tar.gz if any one can help me i  would appreciate it


Hey! I'm assuming you already found out. If you haven't, here you go. Source:

Oh, and welcome to linux!

thank you this helps a ton :)


what are the controls for windows

(1 edit)

AD - Left / right
W - Jump
RMB or Shift - Aim
LMB - Shoot
R - Reload
Space - Flashlight

Also added to front page now. Thank you!


A fantastic and fresh concept on the metroid lewd style gameplay!


Hey! Great looking game but i can't really play because I'm on Mac using a trackpad, meaning that I can't shoot anything. Do you think you might add some Trackpad support, since I literally cannot connect a mouse to my Mac because USBC is stupid?

Love the progress so far! Keep at it!


dude wtf


I wonder how many anal scenes are in the game? like which alien does anal on her?

Could you please make this available to android? Thank you!

I hope to release the Android versio


The game becomes way too difficult if you get captured once. Also an alternative to using the mouse would be nice. Other than that though it's really good. Can't wait to see more!

(2 edits) (+2)


i found an alien that isnt featured in the gallery, its the leaping one that fondles your boobs, could you please add that in the next update?

Edit: anotherone is the ceiling tentical  that flips you 180* and penetrates you in the vagina

I would love to know what direction you plan on taking this game, and would also enjoy seeing a changelog when you make a meaningful update. Liking the art style and animation so far, game will need more attention in my opinion, even if you don't intend to add a story or lots of depth. I may join patreon just to participate in votes.


Make a male version.


i didnt play but no

(2 edits) (+1)

This game so far is boederline awesome, can't wait until it's done >u< btw there's a bug where every time i kill a monster the game crashes, so.. yeah just letting you know, 

And in the final room with a door with a patreon icon paint, bullets can pass right through the wall next to that door 

And in the game over screen when selectinhg the biggest monster's shadow, the big head is instead coming in and rape the player

That's the 3 bugs I found, but it's good so far >w<

Edit: Before anyone downvote this no I'm not trying to complain :P

Edit #2: This is 0.0.27 btw, just noticed 0.0.30 is out


If there was a male version I'd definitely play it


I agree.


the game does look fun, but I only play male furry games, the only exception I make for female furry games is adventure games or puzzle games, seeing female parts just freaks me out,I can't explain why it just always does, instinct I guess.

(1 edit) (+4)

wish after beating it we could do it again but this time with infinite ammo
so we can explore around or even just a restart button

Good concept though lacking in content atm (as expected). Controls also feel pretty janky, especially the jump.

(1 edit)

The application can't run on my Windows Pc. Not sure if the Application is in 32 bit or 64 bit.  Im sad. :(

Which version of Windows are you using; Vista, Xp, 7, 8-8.1, 10?

Windows 7 

Its on 32 bit btw. owo

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